DIY Decoupage Vase

Happy spring friends! I hope you've been enjoying the longer days, warmer temps, and fresh blooms that are springing up all around. Since I am working from home now, I really enjoy the spring days when I can have the screen door open and let the breeze roll in.

The rose bushes in my front yard have been taking off like crazy, too! I've been able to clip lots of blooms to put in vases all around my house which has left me looking for an easy way to spruce up some of my old containers. Inspiration hit as I was looking through instagram, and as luck would have it, I had everything I needed to complete this project! I took some old dictionary pages (book pages would work, too), and used a little spray adhesive and mod podge to finish the look.

These whip up in a flash, so pull out those old vases and let's get to work!

• Paper - dictionary or book pages
• Spray Adhesive
• Mod Podge - matte or gloss finish
• Foam Brush
• Paint
• Paint Brush

1.    Tear the pages. Tear your pages into relatively small strips. The smaller the piece, the better it
       will adhere to a rounded surface.

2.     Attach with adhesive. Use your spray adhesive* to spray the back of the page, then press it
        onto the vase. Continue until you have the entire vase covered.

*Pro tip: Spray your strips over a piece of cardboard. Spray adhesive will spread and make everything within 2ft. of the spray VERY STICKY!

3.     Apply a layer of Mod Podge. Use your foam brush and apply a layer of Mod Podge to the
        entire surface of the vase. Pay special attention to any corners of paper that are popping up.
        Allow to try completely.

4.     Paint the vase. After your vase is totally dry, it's time to add paint. I did a simple geometric
        stripe pattern, but here is where you get to be creative. Keep in mind that if you are using book
        pages, you don't need this to be too busy. The simpler, the better!

5.     Fill with flowers and enjoy!

I am very interested to try this technique with an old tea pot. I have one in my kitchen, but I'm not sure I'm ready to surrender it to crafting! This would be great to do on an old bowl, or even a teacup! I would love to see how you use this easy method to make something new for your home!

xoxo Sallie

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