DIY Macrame Table Runner

The weather in Tulsa has been wonderful these last few weeks, and it has me thinking about Spring and Summer projects -- one of which I am showing you today!

I really love the macrame trend, but I am not much of a wall hanging person. I came up with this table runner so that I could showcase some macrame without it having to be on a wall. This is a really easy and cheap DIY, and chances are if you spent anytime making friendship bracelets then you already know how to make the knot I am going to show you.

• 300 feet cotton braided cord
  I bought my cord from Walmart for $12. It's clothesline cord.
• Scissors
• Tape

Before you begin...

You should probably brush up on your square knots. Working with this amount of string can be a little cumbersome, so I recommend practicing on something a little smaller. Here are some easy steps.

And lastly, if you have a cat LOCK THEM UP NOW! This project will drive your cat crazy. Don't ask how I know this. 

This is a really fun runner and I think it will look great on my table for Spring. 

I would love to see how you made this project your own! Leave your DIY pictures in the comments below!

xoxo Sallie


  1. This is so adorable! I'm pinning for a rainy day!

    1. It's a perfect rainy day project! Glad you like it; )

  2. Wow!!! That's so beautiful!! It makes me want to dig out my lanyard!! =)

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

    1. Thank you! Hahah -- it does remind you of all the bracelets you used to make!

  3. Replies
    1. Hey Nicole! I am thinking of adding them to my Etsy, but until then feel free to email me with exactly what you're thinking! sallie[at]theurbanacres[dot]com

  4. what are the dimensions of your final project?

    1. This one is about a foot wide and 6ft long. I had plenty of cord to go longer, but I didn't want it to hang over on the table.

  5. Hi! I’m an editor for and am writing to request permission to use one of your photos from your table runner tutorial in an upcoming post. We would like to feature this in a round up and would include a backlink and clear credit to you.

    Additionally, we routinely publish round-up style posts on our site and if you’re willing to allow us to use one photo from other posts you’ve done, we would love to add you to our directory of sites to feature. As a bonus, your site would then be on our radar for possible Facebook shares as well.

    Please let me know if this would work for you. Thanks for your consideration!

    1. Ah Kimberly! I am not sure how I missed this comment from you! So sorry for the delay! As long as you link the pictures back to me, I'm fine with you using whatever you'd like. Thanks for being interested in my work!

