DIY Backyard Botanical Print

When I was little we lived in a house that had an amazing backyard! We had a pool, a basketball court, and all of it was covered with huge shade trees. I played in that backyard for hours and hours in the summer and I always envisioned having a similar yard for my kids to play in.

When we found our new house, Andrew and I immediately fell in love with the backyard. It is almost 100% shaded and has great climbing trees (or so Andrew tells me). The owner before us was quite the gardener, and she put really beautiful plants and landscaping around the entire perimeter. 

It definitely feels like our own little paradise and I can't wait to get in and start enjoying it! 

When I was showing my friend Anisa our backyard she started pointing out all the varieties of plants that we have. Then later, I was in my mom's house and noticed a very old picture someone had made of various plant leaves with little notes as to what they were and what type of environment they grow best in. 

It didn't take long for me to connect the dots for how I could do something similar with the plant foliage from my new backyard!

What I love about this DIY is that it's specific to YOUR home. No two prints will be the same, and it will always remind you of fun memories from you backyard. It's also incredibly easy and requires no special skills. You just need to pick up leaves, write, and cut! 

• Glass Float Frame(s) 
• Leaves
• Thick cardstock or watercolor paper
• Pen
• Scissors

1.     Gather your foliage. I picked mostly leaves that would press well in my frame.

2.     Use your pen and thick paper to draw "banners." If you don't feel very artsy here's a template 
        you can use! Or you could cut simple rectangles from your paper and draw a border. 

3.     Write the names of the foliage. I had to use google here to figure out what I was dealing. If you 
        have a friend who is a Botanist, now is a good time to give them a call!

4.     With your leaves and labels face down, layout your design. I started with my larger leaves and 
        filled in with my smaller ones. 

5.     Assemble your frame, clean the glass of any fingerprints, hang on the wall and enjoy!

How did yours turn out? I'd love to know what leaves you used for your print!

Happy Homemaking!


  1. Did you press or dry the leaves? I wonder if the glass will help keep the colour in the leaves or if they will fade and become brittle. I'd be really interested to know what it looks like in six months.

    1. I didn't press or dry them and I wish I had! They are getting black in the frame, so I need to redo this one and adjust the post!
