Summertime Okra Salad

There are certain foods that to me just encompass summertime. Peach pie, ice cream, and for us in Oklahoma, okra. Can I just spend some time telling you how much I love fried okra?

I really love it. My mom makes the VERY BEST fried okra. She uses cornmeal, salt and pepper then fries it to crispy perfection. My mom made okra a lot in the summertime and I really thought it couldn't get any better until I had her okra salad. 

Okra salad is summertime perfection. It's chilled, it's crispy, it's savory and sweet. It's wonderful. 

This recipe came from my mom's Aunt Genise who lives in a tiny little town in the Texas panhandle on a cattle ranch which has been in the family for over 100 years. Whenever I eat this okra salad I think of that tiny little town, then I thank God for Aunt Genise who gave us this wonderful recipe. Thank you Great Aunt Genise!

Home Tour: The Urban Acres II Part 2

Hello again! It was so nice to show everyone the new place yesterday, and I enjoyed reading everyone's kind words about our new home. We are so excited and very grateful to be starting this new adventure!

If you missed it, look here to see the living and kitchen areas of our house. Today I'm showing you the bedrooms and the bathrooms.

The photos in this post are courtesy of The Sarah Image -- thank you Sarah!

The bathrooms in this house are very patriotic, well almost -- pink, blue, and white.
This little pink bathroom is right off the kitchen. We were planning on leaving it the way it is until a further date, but we found out yesterday that the beautiful pink toilet leaks, so we are going to go ahead and rip it out.

Home Tour: The Urban Acres II Part 1

Happy Tuesday friends! I had every intention of getting this new home tour posted over the weekend, but our move ended up being a lot more work than I had anticipated.

I spent all day Friday packing up the last few odds and ends and got everything into a box thanks to my Mother-in-law, Kelley, who was so helpful!

Friday night Andrew and I loaded the Pod. Loading a Pod is like trying to put together a puzzle without the finished picture. We managed to squeeze in almost all of the boxes, and most of the furniture.

Then Saturday, we got up early to try to beat the heat and moved the rest of the furniture and our very heavy piano into the new house. Thank you to the friends who helped us with that!

Sunday, Andrew and I worked all day moved the rest of our stuff out of the old house and into the  new house. My friends came over and helped deep clean, and then we said our goodbyes and went to have celebratory ice cream.

All together, I think Andrew and I worked about 30 hours this weekend, so needless to say we were exhausted.

It's been bittersweet to say goodbye to our first home, but overall we are very excited to start putting together all the plans for this new house.

Let's check it out!

Wallpaper Round Up

Everybody shout because tomorrow Andrew and I close on our new house! Wooohooo! This has been the longest month and a half of my life, but we made it and tomorrow we will be the proud owners of a brand new (to us) home. We won't close on our house until Monday, so technically we're the proud owners of TWO houses. Wow. Look at us.

Tomorrow is also Andrew's birthday, so this is doubling as a birthday present for him. You're welcome, hun!

I've been picking out finishing touches for the new house (paint colors, hardware, etc.) and there's one idea I'm really crazy about. Are you ready for it? Wallpaper. That's right, wallpaper.

I know what you are thinking. You had tacky floral wallpaper in your house growing up and you are totally turned off from the idea, but guys wallpaper is back and it's better than ever!

I have been fortunate enough to get 3 rolls of reusable adhesive wallpaper (say what!) to try in the new house courtesy of WallPops! This completely diminishes my fear of hanging paper and potentially ruining the walls. Here's the pattern I chose, I'm thinking this would be fun in the laundry room or even the hall bathroom. I'll be doing another post on hanging this reusable wallpaper once we get into the new house, but I can already tell it's going to be awesome!

AND my friends at Brewster Home Fashions are generously contributing some wallpaper for my entry way.

Brewster has a HUGE wallpaper selection and they also carry WallPops, so if glue isn't your thing you can go the reusable adhesive route. I've spent a lot of time scouring their site for the perfect paper and have narrowed it down to six.

These are my top picks for the entry way.

Father's Day Pillow DIY

What do you get when you mix Sir-mix-a-lot and a dad who loves hunting? You get a pillow you're proud to give your father, that's what.

For years, I have struggled to find the perfect gift for my dad. I bet some of you have similar struggles! My dad loves to hunt, but I never buy him hunting gear, because I have no clue what I'm getting.

My trip to NYC with Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day

Last month I finally got to share my big news that I was chosen to be the first ever Mrs. Meyer’s Homemaker! It’s pretty crazy, and I’m still pinching myself! 

But winning The Hunt was just part of this amazing experience -- the other part was getting to go to New York to film some DIY videos and take part in a photo shoot.

The first week in March Andrew, Lola, and I packed our bags and headed to the Big Apple.

Happy Birthday The Urban Acres!

One year ago this week I took the plunge and started The Urban Acres. I had wanted to start a blog for years, but it never felt like the "right" time. I finally (at the encouragement of a friend) took the plunge and just started, and I am so glad I did! 

I have learned A LOT in just this first year, not just about blogging, but also about myself. I'm not nearly as scheduled as I thought I was, and this entire process has been harder than I imagined it would be. This first year has been fun, but more than anything it's helped me to narrow my focus. I started out thinking I would blog about lots of things, but now I can see more clearly what's the purpose of The Urban Acres -- It's all about home. I hope to encourage and inspire the readers of this blog to care for and treasure their homes, whether they are crafty or not.

This second year is already looking like an adventure! Andrew and I start renovating the new house in about a month and I cannot wait to get in there and start making it feel like home. I hope you'll enjoy reading all the before and afters!

Lastly, I want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading this blog -- you are awesome! I do this because I love it, but to have someone else who loves reading is the icing on the cake.

I put together a little "Year in Review" of some of my favorite (and yours) posts from this first year. Enjoy!

Living Room Tour Mrs. Meyer's Hunt Floral Art Macrame Runner

Backyard Chickens Perfect Pie Receipe Mini Pineapple Cake Felt Flower Wreath

When to Buy & When to DIY

I saw this post on Instagram last week and it had me rolling! If you are a crafter, then you know this is real life! You see something that looks relatively easy to make, and then 10s of dollars and a work week later, your project isn't...quite...what you hoped for. Ok it was actually a Pinterest fail.

We live in an increasingly more Do It Yo-self world, and I think sometimes we makers put undue pressure on ourselves to MAKE EVERYTHING! Don't get me wrong, I am all for DIY-ing, but I do believe there are times to hang up your hot glue gun and just buy something already made.

I know what you're thinking. You're saying to yourself "But Sallie, how's a girl to navigate these tough Buy vs DIY decisions." Truthfully, I don't think there is one blanket answer that applies to every situation, but there are a few questions I always ask that help me make my Buy vs DIY decisions.

1. How important is the quality?
Quality is sort of a relative term. I can make "quality" pillow covers, but they won't be as nice as ones I could buy from West Elm. In that situation, I don't care as much that the quality doesn't match the store version. There are other items though (i.e. Furniture, clothing and some decor) where quality is very important to me. In those situations I choose to buy. You have to get honest with yourself and determine if the quality of a store bought item is more important than making said item yourself.

2. Have you counted the cost?
One of the best pieces of advice my dad ever gave me was "Count the cost," --- meaning, think about what this will cost you with your budget AND your time. Do you have time to devote to seeing this project through? Make sure you fully account for what a project will cost as far as materials, time spent learning, extra material for mess-ups, and so on. There are times when buying makes more sense -- and cents (see what I did there?) than DIY-ing and vice versa. The point is to always, always, always know exactly what you are getting yourself into!

3. Do you have the skills?
Have you ever seen an artist make something that looked so easy and then you tried it and it looked like you made it with your feet? Yeah, I've been there (see cookie catastrophe of 2015)! It is very easy (my hand is raised high!) to feel like you can do in 10 minutes what someone else spent 10 years learning how to do. If you haven't come across a DIY project that has humbled you, just keep making and you will! That's one of the great things about DIY-ing though, you'll fail BUT you will learn so much. Just remember to approach projects with a good understanding of your current strengths and weaknesses.

But don't just take my word for it. I figured that on this white hot topic of Buy vs DIY you'd probably want some 2nd, 3rd, and 4th opinions, so I rounded up my best girlfriends to give me their input. Here's what they had to say.

Courtney Weston
Courtney is the maker behind Always Rooney, a DIY Blog that has taken the world by storm! You have probably seen this girl all over Pinterest and doing craft projects for brands like Design*Sponge and Minnetonka.

Q. How does quality factor into your Buy vs DIY decisions?
A. It depends on how much use I'll be getting out of the DIY. If it is something I use daily and receives a lot of wear just from use, I will most likely choose to buy it. I've made a few exceptions like our couch and bed, but so far they are holding up great! If something I want to make is more trendy, the quality isn't my first concern so I will choose to DIY it.
Q. Do you primarily DIY to save money?
A. I primarily DIY because I love the reward of making something that I love and use as well as learning new skills. Saving money through DIY is also a huge factor because it makes decorating our first home more attainable than buying every piece of decor or furniture.
Q. What are some of the things you think about when deciding to Buy vs DIY?
A. I always try to see if I have at least one or two of the supplies or tools needed for the project. This way, I am not buying tons of supplies and tools for every project and it helps lower the cost. I also add up exactly how much money a project will cost, plus some wiggle room because there are bound to be mistakes and lessons learned when you DIY. My rule of thumb is, If I can get it at Target I most likely won't DIY it.

Kaylan Streck
Kaylan is spectacularly gifted in budgeting + home making. No one works a spreadsheet like this girl. Kaylan and her husband just renovated their first home and they did it all themselves (jaw drop). You can see how she's kicking butt in the homemaking world on her blog, Our Own Little Hive.

Q. How does quality factor into your Buy vs DIY decisions?
A. If I'm DIY-ing something simple like a vase or a pillow cover, I don't put too much stock in the quality because I know I'll probably want to change it out before long. If it's something like recovering a chair or building a shelf, I will opt for the nicer fabric or the materials to make sure it will hold up against wear and tear!
Q. Do you primarily DIY to save money?
A. Yes!!!! I definitely appreciate people on Etsy who put a lot of effort into the things they make and who are trying to make a living, but if I can make it.... I am going to!
Q. What are some of the things you think about when deciding to Buy vs DIY?
A. I usually think, "Is this within my abilities to make?", "Is it worth the time and effort?" or "Am I going to spend so much in excess of supplies that it's worth it to just buy?"

Rachel Andersen
Rachel is an Instagram + DIY extraordinaire. She has turned her 1950s Mid Century Modern house into an amazing home and has carefully curated each detail. She also has a huge passion for city exploring and meeting other makers. See her handmade projects at her site, Unanchored Studio.

Q. How does quality factor into your Buy vs DIY decisions?
A. Well, I'm a DIY addict. 9 times out of 10, DIY will win out over Buy. I love working with my hands or challenging myself to stretch and learn something new.
Q. Do you primarily DIY to save money?
A. Definitely, and especially when I started out years ago! DIY-ing can get so expensive with the supplies and tools needed for the variety of projects out there. So instead of chasing all the different styles to DIY and needing every tool under the sun, I settled into somewhat of my own DIY style where I invested in a couple of key supplies to keep on hand.
Q. How does time factor into your Buy vs DIY decisions?
A. Not a ton, unfortunately: ) Typically it's more about, will this look exactly how I've envisioned it? Does it fit the overall feel of my home?

All in all each DIY situation is different and likely there will be many deciding factors on whether you Buy or DIY. Always evaluate what's important to you in each project so you set yourself up for success. I hope you found this helpful! Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Homemaking!

DIY Rope Coil Basket

I came across a really cute rope basket DIY the other day where you use hot glue to coil rope and make it into a basket. I had some cord left over from my macrame table runner so I thought I'd give it a go. It was a huge fail. I hated dealing with the hot glue webs and the inside of the basket was super messy.

I wasn't ready to give up though, and through MUCH trial and error I finally came up with a rope coil basket DIY that I loved!

Here's how you do it. 

Rope or macrame cord
• Hot glue - low temp
• Embroidery thread
• Embroidery needle
• Jar or bowl for shaping