Renovation Progress: The Powder Room

In case you are wondering, the renovation is still going strong! There really wasn't a ton of progress to show last week, but this week I have the plans and the progress of the first bathroom we're tackling -- The Powder Room.

Let's take a little trip down memory lane, shall we?

This little two piece bathroom is right off the kitchen, and was not on our original remodel list. As we started discussing the plans for the floor, it made sense to go ahead and rip the floor in this room and connect it with the hardwoods in the kitchen. We then discovered the toilet was leaky, and promptly moved this bathroom to the top of the demo list.

Andrew put in some back breaking man hours and now, the bathroom looks like this!

We (he) have to remove the shelving, but other than that, this salmon pink bathroom is ready for a facelift.

While searching for some inspiration, I came across this charming bathroom from Architectural Digest.

And this one from The Lighter Side of Real Esate.

Both of these bathrooms have a form of paneling on the walls which ends up being great for us, because we can cover the old wallpaper without having to replace dry wall! That's a big time and  $$$ saver. 

We also LOVE the idea of DIY-ing a bathroom vanity by using an old table. I scored the one you see in the progress picture for just $20. 

We'll add a porcelain vessel sink with a wall mount, and as my niece Bea says "boom baby!" Altogether, this room will end up costing us about $700 -- not too shabby for a powder bathroom! Here are my sources and maybe some inspiration for your next project! 

1. Bead Board Sheets -- The Home Depot $20
2. Wall Mount Faucet -- $70
3. Porcelain Vessel Sink -- $125
4. Antique Table -- River City Trading Post $20
5. Sconce Lighting -- $63

What are your powder room ideas? I'd love to hear them!

Happy Homemaking!


1 comment

  1. I love your mood board and inspiration pictures! My husband and I were just discussing putting faux ship lap (you cut 1/4" plywood into 6" boards and space them about 1/4 apart) in both of our bathrooms. The previous owners tried to remove wall paper in both, failed in both and ended up using some weird kind of sand paint to hide the imperfections. Time for a change 😉
