DIY Rose Petal Bath Bombs

I'm a big fan of baths. Truth be told, I take a hot back most nights after work. It helps me relax, unwind, and get ready for a restful evening. I'm also a big fan of bath bombs, but I don't love running to Lush every time I need one. I did a little digging and found that bath bombs can me made with ingredients you probably already have on hand AND you can whip up a batch in about 10 minutes! They make great gifts for friends, or for yourself : )

The Players
• 1 Cup Citric Acid
• 1 Cup Baking Soda
• 1/2 Cup Corn Starch
• 1/2 Melted Coconut Oil
• 8 to 10 Drops Essential Oil
• Roses
• Food Coloring
• Plastic mold or form

*Makes about 2 large bath bombs or 5 medium ones.

I started by drying my rose petals. I got these spray roses from Target for $5! The smaller petals are great for bath bombs and the price is easy on the wallet. Pull the blooms apart on a lined baking sheet, then move to the oven for about 30 minutes at 170F. You want them dry, but not crispy.

Home Tour: A Bedroom Makeover...In Progress

We've been in our house for over 3 years, and I have never LOVED our bedroom. It's been ok, but not my favorite. The hardest part about decorating our bedroom has been finding the right layout. We have 2 windows and 3 doors in this small space, so it really limits what we're able to do. Over the past year, we've arranged and rearranged furniture in every way possible. Poor Andrew has disassembled and assembled our bed on 3 different occasions. Now finally, after 3 years of trying new things, I think we finally have something we can be proud of! Here's a snapshot of the bedroom adventure we've been on for the past 3 years.

Let's start at the very beginning.

This is our bedroom when we first moved in. As you can see, we have all the furniture in here including: a bed (well boxsprings, actually), an armoire, a dresser, and a vanity. It was very cramped.

In year 2 of marriage, we bought a rug and a bed, and swapped the dresser for a smaller blue one. We also rearranged the furniture to be on the opposite wall. This picture is taken from the same angle as the one above. It's close, but no cigar. 

Mrs. Meyer's Homemaker Hunt!

If you saw my instagram yesterday, then you know I have some BIG news! This past fall, one of my favorite brands ever, Mrs. Meyer's, hosted a contest for the first ever Homemaker Hunt. Basically, they are looking for someone creative, who loves home-making, to represent their brand. The person who is chosen receives $75,000 and a trip to New York! So of course, I decided to enter! Round one of the contest was to submit a 15 sec video on Instagram showing a DIY, craft, or invention. I showcased the chicken coop that Andrew and I designed and built last summer.

And guess what guys....they chose me to be a semi-finalist! Woohoo! The second part of this competition is votes based and the voting opened today and I need your help!

Here's what you can do!

Go to the Mrs. Meyers website, scroll down, find my video, and vote for me daily! There are lots of other really cool semi-finalists who made some great projects, too! Of course, I'm a little partial : ) but I would love your vote!

This is an incredible next step for me, my brand, and turning this blog thing into a full time gig! I really hope you'll support me in the next step of this amazing/nerve wracking journey!

xoxo Sallie

Home Goals 2016

Today, I'm sharing my list of Home Goals for 2016! Every year, instead of resolutions I make a list of home improvements I want to make, and furniture I'd like to purchase. I've found that by prioritizing the items I would really like to purchase, I am less likely to make questionable or compromising decisions.

When it comes to items for your home, you don't want to settle! Unless you really know what you want, you are very likely to end up purchasing something cheap that temporarily serves your needs instead of waiting to purchase something that will last longer. My friend Courtney wrote a post a couple of weeks ago about #Homegoals With A Small #Homebudget. She talked about the difference between improvising and settling, and being willing to save for the nicer item instead of settling for a temporary fix. It's a great read -- go check it out now, I'll wait for you here.

Are you back? Good. I hope you found that enlightening, I surely did! And now without further adieu, I give you....

Home Goals 2016

A Day in the Life of Backyard Chicken Raising Pt. 4

It finally snowed last week in Oklahoma -- just in time for....2 days after Christmas. I've been waiting to see how chickens will react to the cold weather and the general consensus among the girls is, they don't love it. Andrew said when he fed them yesterday they hopped on one leg so they could keep the other foot from touching the snow! I'm hoping it will snow again so I can see that!

When I went out to check on them, the ladies were watching the snow from the comfort of the coop. You can see here how dirty their coop was! Since it's been so rainy, I've had the hardest time keeping their area dry and poop free. I find when the coop is wet they lay less, so I am working a little harder to keep their space clean.