DIY Easter Egg Place Cards

Helloooo!! It's been a few weeks dear readers, and for that I am so sorry! It has not been for a lack of things to say, but rather a lack of time to say them. I am back to it, and hopefully I will never leave you alone for that long ever again.

In my absence, Easter really snuck up! Since my husband works for our church, Easter is a very busy season for us! This year, I am hoping to have a small Easter brunch with my husband's family, and I came up with these Easter Egg Place Cards to make it a little more festive. These are sooo simple, and I'm even including a printable for you to use to make your own.

• Wooden Eggs
• Round Bases
• Acrylic Paint + Brushes
• Hot Glue
• Paper + Pen
• Scissors

1.      Glue the egg to the base. This will make these much easier to hold onto as you paint. You
         could even start by painting the bases.

2.     Paint your egg. I went with some geometric patterns, but this is your chance to be creative! Let
        that imagination run wild.

3.     Print the banners. Use this printable I've included below or make your own banners. You can
        write names, or Happy Easter greetings.

         Easter Egg Printable

4.     Cut and glue banners. Leave a small border around the banner, then use a tiny dab of glue to
        adhere it to the egg.

And here are some photos for all you visual people. You know who you are. 

What do you think? Is this something you can take and make your own? This will take you maybe an hour, and will make your Easter celebration that much more spectacular!

xoxo Sallie

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