Home Tour: Andrew's Office

Welcome to the most creative room in the house! The room where crazy ideas come to life, and action figures live rent free on shelves. I give you Andrew's Office!

In the beginning, I used to war with Andrew over how messy his office was. LOTS of prep went into taking these pictures. Andrew tends to hold onto lots of things from projects past, but he did a really great job in helping me get all this clean. Nowadays, I just shut the door when the mess starts to form. Creativity comes at a cost I suppose.

This office is overloaded with Ikea! We have two Linnmon desks that hold a desktop, keyboard, speakers, and other various things Andrew's working on. These desks are really affordable and have been great for what we've needed.

This print is also from Ikea and the guitars serve not only as instruments, but also wall decor. 

The floating shelves are also Ikea. Let's talk about this shelf decor. In the very back, I glued play doh lids to canvas to give this space some color! This is a really easy DIY, and if you have kids you can just save those lids for your future masterpiece! 

We've also got the whole Star Wars franchise on these shelves. I am told that Andrew's Dad had hundreds of Star Wars toys figurines. This makes me very nervous for what lies in my future.

Andrew spent a good deal of time arranging these. We've got the force on one side...

...and the dark side on the other. 

And if you really squint your eyes, there behind Obi-wan is me. 

I also love this dinosaur. I bought him at a flea market along with the succulent (*sidenote: that succulent has been dead for well over a year now, oh well) and a few snips and spray paint later, we have a work of art! 

On the top shelf, I have some old marquee letters -- also Barbie and Ken make an appearance. What's a creative office space without Barbie and Ken?

On the other side of the room, we've got a vintage red dresser paired with two comic book posters. You'll also notice a small sampling of Andrew's game collection. He owns over 75 board games, you guys!

And this beauty is "Slim," Andrew's first guitar. He's not played much these days, but I am told if I ever accidentally threw him away, I will be disowned. So instead, he sits proudly in the corner.

Lots of creative things go on in this office, including the making of this awesome video about our cat!  Andrew made this for a video contest and could win $10,000. That's a lot of chicken feed! You should watch it and share it with your friends. Here's more info on the contest! 

Thanks for checking out Andrew's office, and may the force with be you...always.

xoxo Sallie

1 comment

  1. What a whimsical house! I saw you on Apartment Therapy and was thrilled to see you live in Tulsa, as I do. My 36 year old daughter lives here and her husband and little Andrew. As soon as I saw those board games, I thought of the post I did a few days ago on unusual shelves, and some board game boards were used as the cutest shelves. I see you haven't been blogging long, but you have a terrific-looking blog and I welcome you to the Land of Blog! I've been around,oh, eight years now.
