Spooky Cookies Tutorial

This Saturday is Halloween, and I can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon than by making spooky cookies! Your kids will have a great time, and the trick-or-treaters will thank you!

Sidenote: Michael's craft store has all their Halloween cookie decorating supplies marked down by 50%! 

Best Sugar Cookies Recipe

If you'll remember, a few months ago I tried (and failed) sugar cookie decorating. I failed miserably, and you can read about that failure here, but today I am here to redeem myself AND I have a great sugar cookie recipe to share.

In addition to the botched frosting on my last batch of cookies, they also completely lost their shape.  It looked like I was decorating shapeless lobs of dough. This time I searched for a recipe that would hold it's shape, and I found this one from my friend Debbie. This is from her 8th grade Home Ec class, and it is the best recipe I have ever used for intricate shapes PLUS it's super tasty. 

Fa la la Felt Wreath

Hello dear friends and readers, it's good to be back! This past month my 9 - 5 job has changed, and I've been left with fewer blogging hours! If you didn't know, I also teach group fitness classes and last week I taught 13! My body really needed a break from everything, so this past week I just took it easy instead of trying to push a post out. But I am back to you now, refreshed and more ready than ever to share what I've been up to! 

Fall is finally here! Can you feel it? Tulsa is slowly starting to embrace the fall weather, and with that it was time for a decor change on the front porch. I moved the spring plants, and today I am going to purchase my pumpkins and mums, but the finishing touch for the front porch is this felt floral wreath.